Posted by: admin Category: Modified Starches Comments: 0


  • Size Master is a modified starch which, as the name suggests, is used for extra size add-ons which is the role of most of the modified starch used in the market.
  • What is beneficial about this product is that in-spite of the size-add on provided to the warp yarn, it does not lose its pliability. Where a high percentage of size is to be applied, Size Master is an ideal product as it not only works to increase the size pick up, but it supplements the action of the entire size mix by means of its properties to keep the yarn damp, in other words, enhances its hygroscopic nature.
  • This action has further advantage of adding extra weight by virtue of the same moisture it helps in retaining.
  • This product along with all of our other products contain antiseptics which prevent the growth of fungus or mildew.