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  • R-Size has excellent film forming, emulsifying and adhesive properties. Possesses high tensile strength and flexibility, as well as oxidation stability which means that the product can sustain extreme conditions without the quality being affected.
  • R-Size can replace PVA in the size mix as it has better stability to climate conditions. The problem with PVA is that its properties are dependent on humidity.
  • In other words, with higher humidity, more water is absorbed. The water, which acts as a plasticizer, will then reduce its tensile strength.
  • This proves that when there is more humidity, the film formed by PVA is weaker and hence, the sized yarn will be weaker which will then affect its efficiency and performance in looms. This is where R-Size comes in, and saves you the trouble of having to go through all this.
  • It is stable to climate and humidity. What’s more? We guarantee you a better result using our products.